Friday, June 19, 2009

Global warming - Global dimming

This blog is part of a research project on global warming

Is global warming human-caused?

Picture of smog in Cairo.

Smog in Cairo
Image via Wikipedia

To get a good understanding of the possible effects of global warming, 'global dimming' needs to be considered. Global dimming is the gradual decline in the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth. The phenomenon is thought to be caused by air pollution and it seems to counter the effects of global warming . Some scientists believe that global dimming already has led to droughts and famine.

What is global dimming?

"Global dimming is the gradual reduction in the amount of global direct irradiance at the Earth's surface that was observed for several decades after the start of systematic measurements in the 1950s. The effect varies by location, but worldwide it has been estimated to be of the order of a 4% reduction over the three decades from 1960–1990. However, after discounting an anomaly caused by the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991, a very slight reversal in the overall trend has been observed.
It is thought to have been caused by an increase in particulates such as sulphate aerosols in the atmosphere due to human action. The switch from a "global dimming" trend to a "brightening" trend in 1990 happened just as global aerosol levels started to decline.
Global dimming has interfered with the hydrological cycle by reducing evaporation and may have reduced rainfall in some areas. Global dimming also creates a cooling effect that may have partially masked the effect of greenhouse gases on global warming.
Deliberate manipulation of this dimming effect is now being considered as a geoengineering technique to reduce the impact of climate change."

Global dimming
Image via Wikipedia

"What is global dimming?
Fossil fuel use, as well as producing greenhouse gases, creates other by-products. These by-products are also pollutants, such as sulphur dioxide, soot, and ash. These pollutants however, also change the properties of clouds.
Clouds are formed when water droplets are seeded by air-borne particles, such as pollen. Polluted air results in clouds with larger number of droplets than unpolluted clouds. This then makes those clouds more reflective. More of the sun’s heat and energy is therefore reflected back into space.
This reduction of heat reaching the earth is known as Global Dimming."

BBC Horizon video

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Is global warming human-caused?

Research = to re-search, that is to search again, and again, until the truth is found.
I am calling my readers to do this research because i believe that we should find the truth about the topics that are part of this 'Spur to Research.' I myself am doing lots of research and results of this appear in my articles and blogs, but in my quest for truth and while browsing over the internet i stumble upon many news articles and much documentation that arouse more questions than i could possibly answer.
Therefore, here are some links and clues that may help to find the answer to the topic or question of this Spur to Research item.
Please use these links as you see fit. I welcome it very much when you come back to me with results of your own investigations, your finished articles, blogs or publications, your comments or additional links. In that way, we together shall find the truth. And the truth will set us free...
As more information comes in, this blog will be updated with the useful questions, opinions or facts you're bringing in.
Global Warming Alarmists are full of
Image by wstera2 via Flickr

Many scientists and politicians tell us that global warming would be a fact, and also that it would be caused by humans, especially but not solely by a greenhouse effect from increased CO2 emissions.
There are many questions to be answered. For example, did you know that officially we are still in an Ice Age, because the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets still exist? Global temperatures have been rising since the past 20,000 years or so, when the most recent ice age peaked.
One big question that comes to my mind is why we all the time hear about CO2 now, which isn't a pollutant, but we hear almost nothing anymore about several real and damaging pollutants.
There are many questions to be answered. I collected much information about this topic, which will gradully be published in this blog. Here are some first links, with rather contradicting information....

Instrumental temperature record of the last 15...
Temperature record of the last 150 years
Image via Wikipedia

Video Professor Bob Carter torpedoes the “scientific consensus” on the climate HOAX
Bob Carter (Australian geologist) disputes man-made global warming.


Alex Jones -David Meyer De Rothschild Interview - 35:53 - Jul 13, 2007


For an opinion about this video see:
Was Alex Jones right in the way he spoke to David Mayer de Rothschild?


Japanese scientific report concludes that global warming is not man-made
"A major scientific report by leading Japanese academics concludes that global warming is not man-made and that the overall warming trend from the mid-part of the 20th Century onwards has now stopped."
Sorry to ruin the fun, but an ice age cometh - Phil Chapman
"Disconcerting as it may be to true believers in global warming, the average temperature on Earth has remained steady or slowly declined during the past decade, despite the continued increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, and now the global temperature is falling precipitously."
Antarctic Sea Ice Up Over 43% Since 1980, Where Is The Media?
"Sea ice at Antarctica is up over 43% since 1980 and we hear nothing in the news, yet Arctic ice is down less than 7% and they’re all over it! We’ve been waiting for the main stream media to pick up on the increase of Antarctic ice but so far they’re been totally absent. Guess its doesn’t fit the plan."

Greenland Ice Melt
Greenland ice melt
Image by onthetower via Flickr
More links for reading

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Obama's ideal of communitarianism

Research = to re-search, that is to search again, and again, until the truth is found.
I am calling my readers to do this research because i believe that we should find the truth about the topics that are part of this 'Spur to Research.' I myself am doing lots of research and results of this appear in my articles and blogs, but in my quest for truth and while browsing over the internet i stumble upon many news articles and much documentation that arouse more questions than i could possibly answer.
Therefore, here are some links and clues that may help to find the answer to the topic or question of this Spur to Research item.
Please use these links as you see fit. I welcome it very much when you come back to me with results of your own investigations, your finished articles, blogs or publications, your comments or additional links. In that way, we together shall find the truth. And the truth will set us free...
As more information comes in, this blog will be updated with the useful questions, opinions or facts you're bringing in.
Barack Obama

Image via Wikipedia

Is communitarianism a new face of communism? Why don't we know much about Obama's affection for this philosophy? Obama is not the first powerful politician who apparently leans toward the ideal of communitarianism. Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Dutch pm Jan Peter Balkende are other supporters of Etzioni.

Jan Peter Balkenende - World Economic Forum An...
Jan Peter Balkenende
Image by World Economic Forum via Flickr
Etzioni in an interview with the Jerusalem Post
"It's a particularly key point at the moment, because there is no philosophy that better describes Obama's position than communitarianism."

Mr. Community
Image by Esthr via Flickr 

Niki Raapana's research of Obama and communitarianism
 "Amitai Etzioni is the source for Obama's (and Clinton's) message of "hope." But who cares, right? I mean really. If America is falling for the biggest lie in history, who am I to spoil the hellish suprise they have waiting for them?"
A site dedicated to communitarian ideals
and those who support them
What is communitarianism?
"Communitarianism, as a group of related but distinct philosophies, began in the late 20th century, opposing in its opinion exalted forms of individualism while advocating phenomena such as civil society. Not necessarily hostile to social liberalism or even social democracy, communitarianism emphasizes the need to balance individual rights and interests with that of the community as a whole, and that individual people (or citizens) are shaped by the cultures and values of their communities."
"He [Etzioni] has met Tony Blair,
lunched with Paddy Ashdown and dined with Conservative MPs. Newspapers, notably the Times and the Guardian, give him generous space to air his views and promote his book..."
"Amitai Etzioni (b. Werner Falk, 4 January 1929, Cologne, Germany) is a German-Israeli-American sociologist,
known for his work on socioeconomics and communitarianism. He was a founder of the communitarian movement in the early 1990s and established the Communitarian Network to disseminate the movement’s ideas."
Picture of Etzioni and Obama
A video about the Fabian Society, communitarianism and it's appeal to modern political leaders

More links for reading
Amitai Etzioni: Right on: Obama turns the Tribes (
Amitai Etzioni: The Human Costs of Extending the Recession (
Amitai Etzioni: Thanks The New Republic! (

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