Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Obama's ideal of communitarianism

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Barack Obama

Image via Wikipedia

Is communitarianism a new face of communism? Why don't we know much about Obama's affection for this philosophy? Obama is not the first powerful politician who apparently leans toward the ideal of communitarianism. Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Dutch pm Jan Peter Balkende are other supporters of Etzioni.

Jan Peter Balkenende - World Economic Forum An...
Jan Peter Balkenende
Image by World Economic Forum via Flickr
Etzioni in an interview with the Jerusalem Post
"It's a particularly key point at the moment, because there is no philosophy that better describes Obama's position than communitarianism."

Mr. Community
Image by Esthr via Flickr 

Niki Raapana's research of Obama and communitarianism
 "Amitai Etzioni is the source for Obama's (and Clinton's) message of "hope." But who cares, right? I mean really. If America is falling for the biggest lie in history, who am I to spoil the hellish suprise they have waiting for them?"
A site dedicated to communitarian ideals
and those who support them
What is communitarianism?
"Communitarianism, as a group of related but distinct philosophies, began in the late 20th century, opposing in its opinion exalted forms of individualism while advocating phenomena such as civil society. Not necessarily hostile to social liberalism or even social democracy, communitarianism emphasizes the need to balance individual rights and interests with that of the community as a whole, and that individual people (or citizens) are shaped by the cultures and values of their communities."
"He [Etzioni] has met Tony Blair,
lunched with Paddy Ashdown and dined with Conservative MPs. Newspapers, notably the Times and the Guardian, give him generous space to air his views and promote his book..."
"Amitai Etzioni (b. Werner Falk, 4 January 1929, Cologne, Germany) is a German-Israeli-American sociologist,
known for his work on socioeconomics and communitarianism. He was a founder of the communitarian movement in the early 1990s and established the Communitarian Network to disseminate the movement’s ideas."
Picture of Etzioni and Obama
A video about the Fabian Society, communitarianism and it's appeal to modern political leaders

More links for reading
Amitai Etzioni: Right on: Obama turns the Tribes (
Amitai Etzioni: The Human Costs of Extending the Recession (
Amitai Etzioni: Thanks The New Republic! (

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